Odlučih da napišem ovaj post u ime svih onih cipelica prema kojima imam odnos ljubav-mržnja. I same ste se susretale s tim da nekad mrzite nefunkcionalnost prelijepih štikli koje su to die for. Ili nekad niste sigurne da li izgled cipelica apsolutno mrzite ili apsolutno volite. U slikama ću vam predstaviti moje volim-mrzim favorite i objasniti kratkim komentarom zašto.
I decided to write this post in the name of all those shoes that I love and hate in the same time. You probably had the situation when you hate how uncomfortable beautiful high heels are, and they are still to die for. Sometimes you are not sure do you absolutely love or hate certain shoes. I put few photos of my love-hate favorites ;)
I decided to write this post in the name of all those shoes that I love and hate in the same time. You probably had the situation when you hate how uncomfortable beautiful high heels are, and they are still to die for. Sometimes you are not sure do you absolutely love or hate certain shoes. I put few photos of my love-hate favorites ;)
Svaki put kad uđem u prodavnicu cipelica, naprosto se oduševim raznobojnim, ludim komadima. I onda ih isprobavam do besvijesti, iako to nikako nije moj stil. Recimo ove štikle na slici - ja bih to odmah isprobala, oduševila se bojicama, ovim moćnim zlatnim dodatkom i onda bih ustala i shvatila da ja, pobogu, ne znam hodati u tome i da se nikako ne uklapaju u moj stil, vjerovatno ih nikad ne bih obula. Damn!
Every time when I enter the shoes store, I am thrilled with colorful, crazy shoes. Then I am trying it on even though that is so not my style. For example, these shoes on the photo - I would try those immediately, I would be thrilled with colors and this great golden addition and then I would get up and - realize that I can't walk in that! Hello! That is so not my style and I wouldn't wear it at all. Damn!
Every time when I enter the shoes store, I am thrilled with colorful, crazy shoes. Then I am trying it on even though that is so not my style. For example, these shoes on the photo - I would try those immediately, I would be thrilled with colors and this great golden addition and then I would get up and - realize that I can't walk in that! Hello! That is so not my style and I wouldn't wear it at all. Damn!
Šta da kažem o pokušaju patika da budu fancy? Kad sam ih prvi put vidjela, digla mi se kosa na glavi. Izrazito mi je to iritantno vidjeti, a opet me privlači, možda zbog toga što prije svega volim udobnost čak i kad sam fancy. Međutim, nemam još ovakav par u svom ormaru. Još se dvoumim da li ih ne mrzim dovoljno da ih želim. ;)
What can I say about the fancy sneakers? When I saw it for the first time, I was terrified. Those shoes are so annoying, but still - somehow I want it. Maybe because I really like comfortable shoes, even when I am being all dressed up. But I am not brave enough to buy one pair for me. I still need that moment "I don't hate it so much anymore" :)
Ona umjetnička duša u meni uvijek bude privučena neobičnim stvarčicama, koje pomalo vuku na umjetnički izričaj. Što se tiče ovih cipelica, u pogledu dizajna potplata i izbora crne boje - to je apsolutno ljubav. Razlog moje mržnje leži u tome što su samo do gležnja. Ja naprosto ne volim tu dužinu zatvorenih cipelica. A ko zna da li bi izgledale jednako divno da su duže.
I have an artistic soul and I am often attracted to unusual pieces with artistic touch. And these shoes: design and black color equal my sincere love towards it. But why I hate it? Because those shoes only reach the ankle. I hate that. But maybe those shoes wouldn't be so nice if they were longer.
Evo još jednih... ne znam kako da ih nazovem. Sandale? Ove sezone su postale popularne u raznim varijacijama. Ne znam da li ovaj dodatak skoro do koljena smatram potpuno beskorisnim i smiješnim ili da ih naprosto želim i već se vidim u njima. A uvijek ih dugo gledam kad ih vidim na nekome. Onako, sa nekom polučežnjom. Ali se ne usudim kupiti ih.
How should I name these shoes? Sandals? These are popular this summer. I don't know should I consider this addition above useless and funny, or I already see my self walking in these shoes. And I am always looking at these shoes when I see it on someone.
Hmmm... Još mi treba vremena da se naviknem da ih uopće gledam, a da ih ne mrzim. Ali s druge strane, tako bi dooobro išle uz moje crno odijelo.
Hmmm... I can't even look at those shoes, I hate it. But still... those would be so nice with my black suit.
Apsolutna ljubav u pogledu boje i ovog dodatka oko gležnjeva. Malo je onako glam rock, što ja baš volim. Međutim, ovo su suludo visoke platforme koje, dizajnirane ovako kako jesu, djeluju nezgodne za hodati. Volim, mrzim... Volim ;)
Absolute love - black color and this addition around the ankles. Glam rock - just how I like it. But this design of platforms - too much and looks tricky. Love, hate... love ;)
Stat ću ovdje, da ne idem dalje. Ima tu još omraženih favorita, ali toliko od mene u ovom postu. Imate li vi neke cipelice prema kojima imate taj ljubav-mržnja odnos?
I'll stop now, even though I could write some more. Do you have your favorite love-hate shoes?
P.S: I apologize for my English XD
Tene s paltformom mrzim, a više puta sam se premišljala da li da ih kupim, jer sam probala nekoliko modela koji su mi ok. Također, kada uđem u radnju budem oduševljena različitim cipelama, ali već znam da bi mi takvo nešto stajalo u ormaru i najčešće odustanem od kupovine, pogotovo kada su štikle u pitanju :D Zanimljiv člana. Ove zadnje su skroz po mom ukusu i nosila bih ih sigurno :D
ReplyDeleteTene sa platformom su, ja mislim, najkritičnije. Ne znaš sama šta da misliš o njima jer ih u jednom trenutku poželiš, iako su ti totalno odbojne. I meni su zadnje super, i super mi izgledaju i zbog te visoke platforme, ali ja opet ne znam da li bih ja znala hodati u tome. :) Opet, da je manja platforma, pitanje je da li bile atraktivne... Do čitanja, draga :*